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3 Tips To Make Customers Feel Safe When Using Your ATM

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As you probably already know, having an ATM in your business can be a smart business move. It's a good way to bring people in to your convenience store or other business, and you can make a nice profit off of the fees as well. However, you probably want to ensure that your customers feel as safe as possible when using your ATM. Luckily, following these tips can help you do so.

1. Place Your ATM Indoors

You might be tempted to put your ATM outdoors. This can seem like a good option, since it can be convenient for customers who want to take out cash after hours or who don't want to actually walk into your business. However, if you want your customers to feel safe when using your ATM, it can be smart to put your ATM inside. Plus, along with helping customers feel safer when they are withdrawing cash or checking their balance, it can also help encourage people to enter your business and spend money. Additionally, you can help keep the ATM itself safe from theft or vandalism by keeping it indoors.

2. Install Surveillance Cameras

It's smart to install surveillance cameras around your ATM for a few reasons. First of all, having a security camera in place can provide your customers with a sense of security. Additionally, it can help prevent someone from wanting to vandalize or steal your ATM. It can also be helpful for local law enforcement, such as if they are investigating stolen debit cards that might have been used at your location.

3. Choose a Covered Keypad

There are a lot of different ATM models for you to choose from, and you might be concerned about things like the look of the ATM and the cost of it when choosing it. Another thing that you should look for is an ATM that has a covered keypad. This makes it easier for your customers to shield their PIN codes from others who might be around and can make them feel a lot more comfortable while using the machine. Luckily, there are a lot of ATM's that have these keypad covers, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding one.

As you can see, there are a few steps that you can take to make your customers feel safe while they are using your ATM. This can be helpful if you want to encourage customers to use your machine and feel safe while doing so.
